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  1. Implemented dispenser behavior for firing arrows. (details)
  2. Implemented dispenser behavior for firing arrows. (details)
  3. Proper code formatting. (details)
  4. Update capes.txt (details)
  5. Update capes.txt (details)
  6. Add recipes for re-staining clear glass, attempt at backwards (details)
  7. Lower required Forge version (details)
  8. Update capes.txt (details)
  9. Finish world scanning on AdaptiveInventoryLogic (details)
  10. Finalised capes.txt (details)
  11. Fixed cape-related stacktrace in the console (details)
  12. Added toolpart.ToolShard to en_US.xml, added casting recipe for the (details)
  13. Clear glass + Meta 15 = no-connect (details)
  14. Fix version check for structures, begin AdaptiveSmelteryLogic (details)
  15. Update IC2 API, only include needed parts (details)
  16. Added clear glass to the ore dict (details)
  17. Add support clause to license block. (details)
  18. Smeltery Components (details)
Commit f5faf4321ec8bf3eb13fbbbeba01628f82354379 by m_teegen
Implemented dispenser behavior for firing arrows.
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/entity/projectile/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/common/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/util/
Commit d83785ada6757243a884669e27d5e7fd4294297b by m_teegen
Implemented dispenser behavior for firing arrows.
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/entity/projectile/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/util/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/common/ (diff)
Commit b2cff48afd2ed6fab5185c229119298997be85e2 by m_teegen
Proper code formatting.
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/util/ (diff)
The file was modifiedcapes.txt (diff)
The file was modifiedcapes.txt (diff)
Commit 363f1a81982c4a50055de8ec881942db1e2820e5 by mDiyo
Add recipes for re-staining clear glass, attempt at backwards compatibility for village structures
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/worldgen/village/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/common/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/blocks/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/worldgen/village/ (diff)
Commit 903a3238c38457f732cb5ea79b5579857a0ed76d by mDiyo
Lower required Forge version
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/ (diff)
Commit 9c702ae49cf444610b1d7ef33af2dbcf5bb86933 by Andrej Savikin
Update capes.txt

Changing my boring blue cape to fuj1n's awesome cape(stealing fuj1n's cape)
The file was modifiedcapes.txt (diff)
Commit c79402563c7effd6abdee4adde4c392bb19d681c by mDiyo
Finish world scanning on AdaptiveInventoryLogic
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/blocks/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/util/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/util/ (diff)
The file was modifiedtest/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/ (diff)
Commit 5f6fe5f0c5df60de63ba404f2be1ee11e95b1745 by Arthur Uzulin
Finalised capes.txt

From this point forward, only allow the removal of capes, no other changes or additions. (Tinker's Devs excepted)
The file was modifiedcapes.txt (diff)
Commit e79846cbd3efb386ac9e3188be11c74f0c6e3df1 by Arthur Uzulin
Fixed cape-related stacktrace in the console
The file was modifiedcapes.txt (diff)
Commit 364c564569301b8974df5849aa856684e61a1079 by marko.lazaric
Added toolpart.ToolShard to en_US.xml, added casting recipe for the seared brick item using the ingot cast

If you click on a liquid in the smeltery gui it will go to the bottom and if you shift click it, it will go to the top
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/client/gui/ (diff)
The file was modifiedresources/assets/tinker/lang/en_US.xml (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/common/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/util/network/ (diff)
Commit 347bc37c4827b19e300ca33e376fcc4c2296afa7 by Arthur Uzulin
Clear glass + Meta 15 = no-connect
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/ (diff)
Commit bdd2701368054ae9e4e9029f64b046b454992a0f by mDiyo
Fix version check for structures, begin AdaptiveSmelteryLogic
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/util/
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/blocks/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/ (diff)
Commit 4747afabe76682d2ebff2a1e58cd21deea39bcba by mDiyo
Update IC2 API, only include needed parts
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/ic2/api/item/ (diff)
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/item/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/recipe/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/usage.txt
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/event/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/reactor/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/reactor/
The file was modifiedbuild.xml (diff)
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/recipe/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/item/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/recipe/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/recipe/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/ (diff)
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/reactor/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/event/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/crops/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/item/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/info/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/info/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/item/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/info/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/crops/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/crops/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/reactor/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/tile/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/event/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/crops/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/energy/event/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was modifiedsrc/ic2/api/item/ (diff)
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/network/
The file was removedsrc/ic2/api/event/
Commit ca02a13337999bed7865b15fde9866f27cf65b4c by marko.lazaric
Added clear glass to the ore dict
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/common/ (diff)
Commit 24075483d1e0f3994c7aad8ce955d5aa7995e30a by Sunstrike
Add support clause to license block.

To protect ourselves against any backlash for shoving away modpack-related bugs, we're now making modpack owners responsable for support. Also, please no more 1.5.x backport requests D:
The file was (diff)
Commit 702abbb011c18249e56955528bf5cc85a1804f0d by mDiyo
Smeltery Components
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/library/component/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/library/component/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/logic/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/library/component/
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/library/component/
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/library/blocks/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/tconstruct/blocks/ (diff)
The file was addedsrc/tconstruct/library/component/