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  1. Landmine shouldn't use clientside functions on serverside #1405 (details)
  2. Move Oredictionary registrations to preInit (details)
  3. Fix night-vision being activateable without upgrade #1377 (details)
  4. Fix Double/Multi-Jump not working #1321 (details)
  5. Promote the gearcast to an actual pattern. It can now be stored in a (details)
  6. Fix autosmelt smelting blocks that weren't effective (like sand with a (details)
  7. Adapt tooltips on bows/crossbows to reflect the new approximate damage (details)
  8. Fix errors on world load when adding TCon to a world (Thx skyboy) (details)
  9. Fix incorrect bugfix that didn't fix a crash and broke bow animations (details)
  10. Fix a long standing bug that caused FPS drops with bows. All tools now (details)
  11. Disable blending when rendering tools in the inventory. It shouldn't be (details)
  12. Add a cancelable ModifyEvent that's called when a modifier is getting (details)
Commit 83cc6b9824cbce912a70e3d48ae16a70b9d94c4a by bernhard.bonigl
Landmine shouldn't use clientside functions on serverside #1405
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/mechworks/landmine/behavior/ (diff)
Commit 69496722bb78c4dc8a74267ddcebe52b75482d54 by bernhard.bonigl
Move Oredictionary registrations to preInit
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/world/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/smeltery/ (diff)
Commit ab96d8f46f9afa3523434856cee93769ff8b3b32 by bernhard.bonigl
Fix night-vision being activateable without upgrade #1377
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/client/ (diff)
Commit 78bd97ee0496fc891d9ae65add042aa9e97db1f8 by bernhard.bonigl
Fix Double/Multi-Jump not working #1321
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/armor/ (diff)
Commit 410f2ae0060fb649c3adc23e3ba1f95f28be6076 by bernhard.bonigl
Promote the gearcast to an actual pattern. It can now be stored in a patternchest.
The file was addedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/plugins/gears/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/plugins/gears/ (diff)
Commit 339e6baa20331ed246c3c1c23c693ebcd0af367f by bernhard.bonigl
Fix autosmelt smelting blocks that weren't effective (like sand with a hammer)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/tools/ (diff)
Commit dfa83411bc27ec728ee33fdb1b83b4dfadc01f00 by bernhard.bonigl
Adapt tooltips on bows/crossbows to reflect the new approximate damage dealt with arrows
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/weaponry/ (diff)
Commit 8de3882dce8563e107c2a518b4b10ed119445731 by bernhard.bonigl
Fix errors on world load when adding TCon to a world (Thx skyboy)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/armor/player/ (diff)
Commit 497150683c50a25750d7eee3ee4f0d6ae5af09e8 by bernhard.bonigl
Fix incorrect bugfix that didn't fix a crash and broke bow animations
The file was addedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/event/
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/weaponry/ (diff)
Commit 075b769db2be26adc5b492240f67d09defee2535 by bernhard.bonigl
Fix a long standing bug that caused FPS drops with bows. All tools now use our own renderer. Rendering performance overall should be increased. Honor and Glory to @skyboy for finding the cause
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/tools/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/tools/ (diff)
Commit 8074abc6fab03bd1d0ec2e9a2d24f7b9dbcd4ab0 by bernhard.bonigl
Disable blending when rendering tools in the inventory. It shouldn't be necessary and caused issues with GUIs
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/client/ (diff)
Commit d1f86adb5840601873539a1b4b2182787fb56a9e by bernhard.bonigl
Add a cancelable ModifyEvent that's called when a modifier is getting applied.
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/event/ (diff)
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/tconstruct/library/crafting/ (diff)