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#296 (Aug 7, 2017, 5:36:09 AM)

  1. Fix filter text appears blank until the filter box is selected — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix ingredients with subtypes missing from the ingredient list — mezz / githubweb
  3. Remove ingredient lookup memory — mezz / githubweb
  4. Added separate overlay draw call to IRecipeLayoutDrawable — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix some minor OpenGL rendering issues — mezz / githubweb
  6. Fix scrolling the item list when mouse is in the gaps between elements — mezz / githubweb

#295 (Jul 30, 2017, 4:56:07 AM)

  1. Fix #963 Filter curser always jumps to the end when you type — mezz / githubweb

#294 (Jul 20, 2017, 5:21:08 AM)

  1. Fix #947 Item list is out of order — mezz / githubweb

#293 (Jul 16, 2017, 6:41:08 AM)

  1. Fix API method for removing items at runtime — mezz / githubweb

#292 (Jul 13, 2017, 4:21:06 AM)

  1. Update sv_se.lang (#933) — mezz / githubweb

#291 (Jul 5, 2017, 6:31:09 AM)

  1. Fix next/previous page localization — mezz / githubweb

#290 (Jun 24, 2017, 5:16:08 AM)

  1. Do not auto-blacklist broken ingredients — mezz / githubweb

#289 (Jun 17, 2017, 11:06:10 PM)

  1. Add Russian translation for config.jei.valid (#903) — mezz / githubweb

#288 (Jun 17, 2017, 7:40:31 PM)

  1. Increase the default value for maxSubtypes from 100 to 300 — mezz / githubweb

#287 (Jun 7, 2017, 6:57:53 AM)

  1. Fix ingredientFilter#setFilterText — mezz / githubweb
  2. Minor cleanup — mezz / githubweb

#286 (Jun 7, 2017, 6:38:51 AM)

  1. Organize API better, use more general ingredients instead of ItemStack — mezz / githubweb

#285 (Jun 4, 2017, 8:20:24 AM)

  1. Hide maxSubtypes from the in-game config gui (it requries a restart) — mezz / githubweb

#284 (Jun 4, 2017, 8:09:24 AM)

  1. Remove broken recipe layouts instead of displaying a blank one. — mezz / githubweb
  2. Use the game's locale for toLowercase where needed — mezz / githubweb
  3. Add back the progress bars for adding and indexing ingredients — mezz / githubweb
  4. Cache tooltips to file — mezz / githubweb
  5. Block items with too many subtypes from being added to the item list — mezz / githubweb
  6. Version 4.4.1 — mezz / githubweb

#283 (Jun 2, 2017, 4:43:49 AM)

  1. Refactor ingredient list search. (#878) — github / githubweb

#282 (May 28, 2017, 2:11:08 AM)

  1. Made unique identifiers care more about wildcard metadata — mezz / githubweb

#281 (May 28, 2017, 2:04:21 AM)

  1. Fix #870 Config loading crash — mezz / githubweb

#280 (May 21, 2017, 5:40:38 PM)

  1. Fix #863 Crash when looking through recipes (tooltips) — mezz / githubweb

#279 (May 21, 2017, 2:03:04 AM)

  1. Fix tooltip searching — mezz / githubweb
  2. Further reduce memory pressure during startup — mezz / githubweb

#278 (May 20, 2017, 8:49:51 PM)

  1. Reduce memory pressure during startup — mezz / githubweb
  2. Move legacy API handling to LegacyUtil — mezz / githubweb
  3. Auto-reformat code — mezz / githubweb

#277 (May 14, 2017, 11:54:33 PM)

  1. Automatically config-blacklist broken ingredients when detected — mezz / githubweb

#276 (May 14, 2017, 11:15:02 PM)

  1. Add finer startup time logging — mezz / githubweb

#275 (May 11, 2017, 9:06:08 PM)

  1. Lower required Forge to stop reports from people with recommended forge — mezz / githubweb

#274 (May 10, 2017, 8:09:42 AM)

  1. Fix #855 add method removeIngredientsAtRuntime — mezz / githubweb

#273 (May 4, 2017, 12:34:46 AM)

  1. #842 avoid loops in potion steps calculation — mezz / githubweb

#272 (May 3, 2017, 3:26:08 AM)

  1. Improve null checks — mezz / githubweb

#271 (May 3, 2017, 2:31:08 AM)

  1. Add method to create brewing recipes #834 — mezz / githubweb

#270 (Apr 30, 2017, 2:31:09 AM)

  1. Fix #837 search text is always lowercase — mezz / githubweb

#269 (Apr 26, 2017, 10:01:08 PM)

  1. Update MCP mappings — mezz / githubweb

#268 (Apr 26, 2017, 9:41:08 PM)

  1. Fix IRecipeRegistry#removeRecipe #833 — mezz / githubweb

#267 (Apr 26, 2017, 1:21:10 AM)

  1. Add more log info to LinkageError exceptions during item rendering — mezz / githubweb

#266 (Apr 19, 2017, 12:14:52 AM)

  1. [API] Add methods to create smelting and anvil recipes (#819) — mezz / githubweb

#265 (Apr 18, 2017, 11:36:10 PM)

  1. Update required Forge to to fix loading screen lag — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix ingredient history going to a blank page if a mod is removed — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #817 JEI can't be enabled if it was disabled when the game started — mezz / githubweb
  4. Loosen the restriction on adding an empty collection of recipes to JEI — mezz / githubweb

#264 (Apr 14, 2017, 5:31:11 AM)

  1. Update zh_TW (#811) — mezz / githubweb

#263 (Apr 13, 2017, 11:56:10 PM)

  1. Fix #810 JEI SessionData not updating when connecting to vanilla server — mezz / githubweb

#262 (Apr 13, 2017, 11:31:10 PM)

  1. Support Creative Inventory Action on vanilla servers Close #343 (#807) — mezz / githubweb
  2. Prefer using /give when possible on vanilla servers — mezz / githubweb

#261 (Apr 12, 2017, 11:46:07 PM)

  1. Add search filter for resource ids, Implements #202 (#806) — mezz / githubweb

#260 (Apr 10, 2017, 10:41:09 PM)

  1. Use page up and page down to scroll pages (#804) Close #200 — mezz / githubweb

#259 (Apr 6, 2017, 11:06:08 PM)

  1. Fix #797 Recipe transfer tooltip can be drawn under other elements — mezz / githubweb

#258 (Apr 6, 2017, 10:56:08 PM)

  1. Fix #795 Crash on dedicated server at startup — mezz / githubweb

#257 (Apr 5, 2017, 8:21:07 AM)

  1. Create crash report instead of logging severe render errors — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix getRecipeWrapper to use existing ones when they already exist — mezz / githubweb

#256 (Apr 4, 2017, 11:47:31 PM)

  1. Fix #792 keyboard inputs are broken after window resize — mezz / githubweb

#255 (Apr 4, 2017, 10:09:26 PM)

  1. #791 Catch and log LinkageErrors from plugin initialization — mezz / githubweb

#254 (Apr 4, 2017, 11:31:10 AM)

  1. Color small button icons to match the ones on large buttons — mezz / githubweb

#253 (Apr 4, 2017, 10:04:57 AM)

  1. Add method for setting an ingredient background drawable — mezz / githubweb

#252 (Apr 3, 2017, 11:42:46 PM)

  1. Refactor Ingredient List to allow multiple modes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Reorganize project structure — mezz / githubweb
  3. Move JEI API into separate source set — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fix gui key handling bug introduced in refactor — mezz / githubweb
  5. Deprecate IRecipeHandler, fix methods for handling recipes by category — mezz / githubweb

#251 (Mar 29, 2017, 4:46:09 AM)

  1. Add IItemListOverlay#hasKeyboardFocus method — mezz / githubweb

#250 (Mar 23, 2017, 12:16:10 AM)

  1. Fix #770 Anvil recipes show some invalid recipes — mezz / githubweb

#249 (Mar 22, 2017, 11:51:10 PM)

  1. Fix #769 support AbstractBrewingRecipe with uncraftable potion input — mezz / githubweb

#248 (Mar 13, 2017, 7:16:10 PM)

  1. Fix #764 Empty ItemStack Crash when looking up items — mezz / githubweb

#247 (Mar 13, 2017, 8:16:09 AM)

  1. Improve look of small buttons — mezz / githubweb

#246 (Mar 13, 2017, 5:02:11 AM)

  1. #764 Add extra validation for focus parameters — mezz / githubweb
  2. Minor cleanup — mezz / githubweb

#245 (Mar 13, 2017, 2:21:09 AM)

  1. Add API for handling cheating in custom ingredients — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #766 Crash when looking at broken Anvil recipe — mezz / githubweb

#244 (Mar 10, 2017, 4:54:52 AM)

  1. #764 Add earlier checks for empty ItemStacks — mezz / githubweb

#243 (Mar 9, 2017, 6:06:06 AM)

  1. Prioritize lookups to show categories handled by the currently-open gui — mezz / githubweb
  2. Move recipe category tab arrows up to their own buttons (show more tabs) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Use icons for button labels instead of text (better for unicode) — mezz / githubweb

#242 (Mar 7, 2017, 2:45:40 AM)

  1. Add ingredient lookup memory to remember where players were last looking — mezz / githubweb
  2. Make all ingredients in a recipe cycle with the same offset — mezz / githubweb
  3. Do not focus on recipe crafting category items, show them all — mezz / githubweb
  4. Cleanup — mezz / githubweb

#241 (Mar 1, 2017, 5:36:09 AM)

  1. Add IRC link to README — github / githubweb

#240 (Feb 20, 2017, 8:16:06 AM)

  1. Fix #728 Properly report items given by JEI, for server admins — mezz / githubweb

#239 (Feb 19, 2017, 11:11:10 PM)

  1. Cleanup formetting — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add method to create smelting recipes at runtime — mezz / githubweb

#238 (Feb 18, 2017, 7:12:14 PM)

  1. [1.11] Update de_de.lang (#740) — tehgeek / githubweb

#237 (Feb 17, 2017, 10:56:09 AM)

  1. Fix a null ItemStack issue in TooltipRenderer — mezz / githubweb
  2. Check that plugin's IRecipeHandler.getRecipeClass() is valid — mezz / githubweb

#236 (Feb 16, 2017, 1:51:06 AM)

  1. Update — github / githubweb

#235 (Feb 15, 2017, 11:16:09 AM)

  1. Add support for anvil recipes (#732) — tehgeek / githubweb

#234 (Feb 12, 2017, 10:21:09 PM)

  1. Fix #731 Client crash in render while looking at recipe from Reliquary — mezz / githubweb

#233 (Feb 12, 2017, 10:51:08 AM)

  1. Fix TickTimer implementation — mezz / githubweb

#232 (Feb 12, 2017, 8:31:08 AM)

  1. Close #729 add IRecipeCategory#getTooltipStrings — mezz / githubweb

#231 (Feb 9, 2017, 11:31:09 PM)

  1. Fix #727 Recipes issues in previous commit — mezz / githubweb

#230 (Feb 9, 2017, 6:01:08 AM)

  1. Fix crash from empty categories that have recipes added by CraftTweaker — mezz / githubweb

#229 (Feb 4, 2017, 10:11:09 AM)

  1. Refactor itemListDisplay — mezz / githubweb

#228 (Feb 3, 2017, 11:26:07 AM)

  1. Refactor ItemListOverlay — mezz / githubweb

#227 (Feb 2, 2017, 8:11:08 AM)

  1. Close #650 Add support for searching with quotes around terms with space — mezz / githubweb

#226 (Jan 20, 2017, 5:20:06 AM)

  1. Fix cursor held item and player inventory craft items desyncing when — tehgeek / githubweb
  2. Version 4.2.4 — mezz / githubweb

#225 (Jan 20, 2017, 3:46:08 AM)

  1. Fix #702 Item deletion with recipe transfer — mezz / githubweb

#224 (Jan 19, 2017, 4:01:09 AM)

  1. Update required Forge to — mezz / githubweb

#223 (Jan 17, 2017, 5:36:09 AM)

  1. Update Forge and mcp — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix recipe transfer for items that take damage and have subtypes — mezz / githubweb

#222 (Jan 12, 2017, 2:36:08 PM)

  1. Fix #697 Deprecate ICraftingRecipeWrapper — mezz / githubweb

#221 (Jan 10, 2017, 6:51:08 PM)

  1. Fix #692 Missing item overlay glitch when stack size is greater than 1 — mezz / githubweb

#220 (Jan 3, 2017, 7:21:14 PM)

  1. Add recommended travis settings from yueh — mezz / githubweb

#219 (Jan 3, 2017, 7:06:09 PM)

  1. try to fix travis ci script — mezz / githubweb

#218 (Jan 3, 2017, 7:01:09 PM)

  1. try to fix travis ci script — mezz / githubweb

#217 (Jan 3, 2017, 6:56:14 PM)

  1. try to fix travis ci script — mezz / githubweb

#216 (Jan 3, 2017, 6:51:09 PM)

  1. Fix PlayerRecipeTransferHandler not seeing last 4 slots in inventory — mezz / githubweb
  2. Make Show Recipes area in player inventory smaller (to avoid misclicks) — mezz / githubweb
  3. add a .travis.yml to try to test travis ci — mezz / githubweb

#215 (Jan 2, 2017, 2:26:09 AM)

  1. Catch ExceptionInInitializerError from plugins — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in player transfer handler — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix item list click-through with Simple Achievements book — mezz / githubweb

#213 (Jan 1, 2017, 10:36:09 PM)

  1. Add IRecipeRegistry.removeRecipe to the API, disable reload() — mezz / githubweb

#212 (Jan 1, 2017, 7:01:08 PM)

  1. Add IngredientBlacklist — mezz / githubweb

#211 (Dec 29, 2016, 12:36:10 AM)

  1. Update fi_fi.lang (#675) — tehgeek / githubweb

#209 (Dec 27, 2016, 6:11:09 AM)

  1. Update uk_UA.lang (#666) — mezz / githubweb
  2. "update" for 1.11.2 — mezz / githubweb

#208 (Dec 26, 2016, 2:11:09 PM)

  1. Update sv_se.lang (#673) — tehgeek / githubweb

#207 (Dec 19, 2016, 8:31:10 AM)

  1. Improve search algorithm (use Generalized Suffix Trees) — mezz / githubweb

#206 (Dec 18, 2016, 8:51:09 AM)

  1. Fix 1.11 subtype interpreter for liquid-holding items — mezz / githubweb

#205 (Dec 13, 2016, 11:51:10 PM)

  1. Remove progress bars for ingredients (it was making load time longer) — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix searching by modId — mezz / githubweb

#204 (Dec 13, 2016, 8:51:09 AM)

  1. Minor code cleanup and stricter API argument checking — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix edge case of fluid containers with subtypes being mashed together — mezz / githubweb

#203 (Dec 10, 2016, 10:06:09 PM)

  1. Rename lt_LT.lang to lt_lt.lang (#657) — mezz / githubweb

#202 (Dec 9, 2016, 7:51:09 AM)

  1. Add better logging for broken crafting recipes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #656 IRecipeLayout#setRecipeTransferButton() does not work — mezz / githubweb

#201 (Dec 6, 2016, 7:41:08 PM)

  1. Update build status README badge to point to 1.11 — mezz / githubweb

#200 (Dec 6, 2016, 7:26:08 PM)

  1. Fix #634 Add a way for JEI to ignore key inputs — mezz / githubweb
  2. Version 4.0.5 first Beta for 1.11 on recommended Forge — mezz / githubweb

#199 (Nov 29, 2016, 5:41:08 PM)

  1. Update to latest Forge and MCP — mezz / githubweb

#198 (Nov 26, 2016, 7:01:10 PM)

  1. Fix implementation of focus override — mezz / githubweb

#197 (Nov 26, 2016, 6:11:10 PM)

  1. Add API to override the displayed focus of a gui ingredient group — mezz / githubweb

#196 (Nov 26, 2016, 6:46:10 AM)

  1. Update zh_CN.lang (#630) — mezz / githubweb
  2. Update zh_TW.lang (#631) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Lithuanian language added (#636) — mezz / githubweb
  4. Make IModRegistry.addRecipes take a Collection — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix interfering with keys for disabled (read-only) text fields — mezz / githubweb
  6. Add IStackHelper.containsAnyStack and isEquivalent to the API — mezz / githubweb
  7. Add ICustomCraftingRecipeWrapper — mezz / githubweb
  8. Version 4.0.3 — mezz / githubweb

#195 (Nov 21, 2016, 6:26:09 PM)

  1. Make IModRegistry.addRecipes take a Collection — mezz / githubweb

#194 (Nov 20, 2016, 6:46:07 AM)

  1. Fix #610 Blank description category — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #621 Add tab button sounds — mezz / githubweb
  3. Relax item checking when deleting items in cheat mode (#624) — mezz / githubweb
  4. Protect against crashes in plugin's isRecipeValid call (#632) — mezz / githubweb
  5. Close #398 check the container instance in IRecipeTransferInfo — mezz / githubweb
  6. Close #543 Enable Showing the Shapeless Icon on Custom Shapeless Recipes — mezz / githubweb
  7. Fix #614 ICraftingGridHelper does not support custom ingredients — mezz / githubweb
  8. Close #616 Add simpler default init method for IGuiIngredientGroup — mezz / githubweb
  9. Close #617 Add a way to add ItemStacks to JEI during runtime — mezz / githubweb
  10. Use IdentityHashMap for HashMaps with unique keys — mezz / githubweb

#193 (Nov 18, 2016, 9:06:10 AM)

  1. Fix #629 Properly detect when GuiTextField are focused — mezz / githubweb

#192 (Nov 18, 2016, 5:56:10 AM)

  1. Update MCP to 1.11 names — mezz / githubweb

#191 (Nov 18, 2016, 1:06:09 AM)

  1. Update ja_JP.lang (#619) — mezz / githubweb
  2. Update ja_JP.lang (#622) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Log a stack trace when restarting JEI — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fix #626 Crash after new Forge Ore Dictionary binary changes — mezz / githubweb

#190 (Nov 16, 2016, 11:13:07 PM)

  1. Fix missing localization — mezz / githubweb

#189 (Nov 16, 2016, 7:43:10 PM)

  1. Add support for creating drawables with custom sized textures — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix API javadoc — mezz / githubweb

#188 (Nov 16, 2016, 6:28:47 AM)

  1. Create uk_UA.lang (#605) — mezz / githubweb
  2. Use IdentityHashMap for the uid cache used for startup — mezz / githubweb
  3. Protect against mods reloading JEI from the network thread (#607) — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fixes for "Use null focus instead of having focus mode NONE" — mezz / githubweb
  5. Update to 1.11 — mezz / githubweb
  6. Fixes for "Use null focus instead of having focus mode NONE" — mezz / githubweb
  7. rename assets to use all lowercase — mezz / githubweb

#186 (May 1, 2016, 11:33:10 PM)

  1. Allow recipes of height 60px (standard tank height) to fit two-per-page — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#185 (Apr 21, 2016, 9:13:06 PM)

  1. Add better error checking and logging for invalid recipes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#184 (Apr 9, 2016, 1:11:45 AM)

  1. Add better error catching and logging — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb
  3. Use better stack info for logs — mezz / githubweb

#183 (Apr 6, 2016, 3:08:08 AM)

  1. Fix #238 tooltips from getTooltipStrings are drawn below other assets — mezz / githubweb

#182 (Apr 6, 2016, 2:48:08 AM)

  1. Fix #242 Unable to open JEI config from main menu — mezz / githubweb

#181 (Apr 2, 2016, 11:58:08 PM)

  1. Fix #231 Filter not updating when set from API — mezz / githubweb

#180 (Mar 28, 2016, 9:51:17 PM)

  1. Fix #227 "+" button is in the wrong place — mezz / githubweb

#179 (Mar 28, 2016, 7:53:07 AM)

  1. Improve loading performance. — mezz / githubweb

#178 (Mar 28, 2016, 4:33:07 AM)

  1. Update for improved tooltip methods in Forge. — mezz / githubweb

#176 (Mar 22, 2016, 1:33:10 AM)

  1. Close #219 Improve Broken Recipe Reporting — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#175 (Mar 21, 2016, 8:44:06 PM)

  1. Fix #217 catch errors from unregistered itemStacks on start — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#174 (Mar 5, 2016, 12:32:03 AM)

  1. Do not open JEI on guiContainers that have no inventory — mezz / githubweb

#173 (Feb 27, 2016, 10:33:10 PM)

  1. Make recipe errors easier to debug — mezz / githubweb

#172 (Feb 25, 2016, 4:33:58 AM)

  1. Fix startup crash when getting sub-items from broken item. — mezz / githubweb

#171 (Feb 25, 2016, 4:15:10 AM)

  1. Fix startup crash when getting items from broken creative tabs. — mezz / githubweb

#170 (Feb 24, 2016, 6:48:09 AM)

  1. Update README with a couple status badges — mezz / githubweb
  2. Remove "issues closed in ___ hours" badge, not that useful — mezz / githubweb

#169 (Feb 24, 2016, 6:29:13 AM)

  1. Fix #190 Creative tab search does not work correctly for all tabs — mezz / githubweb

#168 (Feb 24, 2016, 6:10:51 AM)

  1. Fix #189 Allow drawing tooltips when there is no currentScreen set — mezz / githubweb

#167 (Feb 24, 2016, 12:38:22 AM)

  1. Improve startup times when there are many broken items — mezz / githubweb

#166 (Feb 22, 2016, 6:09:10 AM)

  1. Fix #184 Fix crash when mods have null items in their creative tabs — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #185 crash logs with 'java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking — mezz / githubweb

#162 (Feb 20, 2016, 10:58:07 AM)

  1. Add github issue template — mezz / githubweb

#161 (Feb 20, 2016, 4:56:27 AM)

  1. Fix #181 Setup RecipesGui in initGui instead of setWorldAndResolution — mezz / githubweb

#160 (Feb 20, 2016, 12:35:09 AM)

  1. Close #164 Show JEI description pages last — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #169 Save search filter text between restarts per-world — mezz / githubweb
  3. #179 Make search option names more clear — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fix #173 Allow recipe types to be specified by interfaces — mezz / githubweb

#159 (Feb 19, 2016, 10:27:00 PM)

  1. Fix support for custom item tooltip fonts in the item list — mezz / githubweb

#158 (Feb 19, 2016, 2:14:53 AM)

  1. Fix server error when filling crafting area — mezz / githubweb

#157 (Feb 18, 2016, 6:31:56 AM)

  1. Clean up API, simplify IModPlugin to have fewer methods — mezz / githubweb

#156 (Feb 18, 2016, 5:58:08 AM)

  1. Fix #172 Smelting EXP text extends past the right edge of the recipe — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #174 Held ItemStacks are rendered behind the hover highlight — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #170 IItemListOverlay.setFilterText does not update text field — mezz / githubweb

#155 (Feb 18, 2016, 4:43:07 AM)

  1. Update Blood Magic URL in README — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #171 Item List does not resize when recipe view is open — mezz / githubweb

#154 (Feb 15, 2016, 2:27:18 AM)

  1. Update changelog — mezz / githubweb

#153 (Feb 15, 2016, 2:19:20 AM)

  1. Use html in changelog — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add feature to search items by color (config option) — mezz / githubweb

#152 (Feb 14, 2016, 4:48:10 AM)

  1. Get items from creative tabs for better compatibility with custom tabs — mezz / githubweb
  2. Update changelog — mezz / githubweb

#151 (Feb 12, 2016, 6:37:31 AM)

  1. Add changelog.txt — mezz / githubweb

#150 (Feb 11, 2016, 6:42:51 AM)

  1. Add more ignored vanilla NBT tags — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #165 [+] button does not work on items with NBT that is ignored — mezz / githubweb

#148 (Feb 10, 2016, 1:47:18 AM)

  1. Close #161 Add $ Ore Dictionary and % Creative Tab Name search — mezz / githubweb

#147 (Feb 10, 2016, 12:23:07 AM)

  1. Remove old recipe transfer api since it was accidentally broken anyway — mezz / githubweb

#146 (Feb 9, 2016, 3:18:10 AM)

  1. Allow multiple recipe click areas on a GuiContainer — mezz / githubweb

#141 (Feb 7, 2016, 2:03:08 AM)

  1. Fix some item subtypes are missing from the item list — mezz / githubweb
  2. Update README — mezz / githubweb

#140 (Feb 5, 2016, 4:36:13 PM)

  1. Only allow cheating items from the item list, not recipes view — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #156 visual glitches when cheating items with the recipe view open — mezz / githubweb

#139 (Feb 5, 2016, 4:29:05 PM)

  1. Fix "back" function for recipe navigation — mezz / githubweb

#131 (Feb 4, 2016, 11:41:28 AM)

  1. Simplify In-Game Config, save some options in per-world configs — mezz / githubweb

#130 (Feb 3, 2016, 10:23:11 AM)

  1. Remove nbtKeyIgnoreList from config (not used or necessary) — mezz / githubweb
  2. #100 save item blacklist to separate file (JEI-itemBlacklist.cfg) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Close #100, Close #120 Allow blacklisting an entire mod's items — mezz / githubweb

#129 (Feb 3, 2016, 8:23:10 AM)

  1. Close #150 sort item list by Mod Name — mezz / githubweb

#128 (Feb 3, 2016, 7:03:10 AM)

  1. Fix #149 Show description recipes when using U as well as R — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #153 Show accepted oreDict on tooltip for rotating items in recipe — mezz / githubweb

#127 (Feb 1, 2016, 9:13:00 AM)

  1. Fix item list paging while searching — mezz / githubweb
  2. Load after minecraft.thePlayer has been set — mezz / githubweb

#126 (Feb 1, 2016, 5:08:06 AM)

  1. Add developer FAQ and Plugin Examples to README — mezz / githubweb

#125 (Jan 31, 2016, 5:58:09 AM)

  1. Fix cheat mode "delete items" does not respect gui tab areas — mezz / githubweb

#124 (Jan 31, 2016, 3:23:09 AM)

  1. Fix #148 Divide By Zero when Panel is hidden — mezz / githubweb

#109 (Jan 29, 2016, 6:48:08 AM)

  1. Better error checking for subItems and subBlocks — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #119 API to define areas that guis might intersect with item list — mezz / githubweb

#108 (Jan 28, 2016, 4:53:07 PM)

  1. Close #88 Close #142 API for search bar and getting hovered item stack — mezz / githubweb

#107 (Jan 28, 2016, 3:18:06 PM)

  1. Fix #145 TC Aspects show through on Recipes gui — mezz / githubweb

#106 (Jan 25, 2016, 1:12:26 AM)

  1. Fix #141 long loading time when gathering tooltips that require a player — mezz / githubweb

#105 (Jan 23, 2016, 11:59:57 AM)

  1. Add tooltip search — mezz / githubweb

#103 (Jan 23, 2016, 9:32:37 AM)

  1. Fix #139 hide the debug setting, give it a better description — mezz / githubweb

#102 (Jan 23, 2016, 8:00:58 AM)

  1. Ignore NBT on items that have no subtypes — mezz / githubweb

#101 (Jan 23, 2016, 7:24:06 AM)

  1. Close #136 Add Shift+R to lookup uses — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #134 Show vanilla categories first — mezz / githubweb

#100 (Jan 22, 2016, 4:54:09 AM)

  1. Fix #133 Unable to edit search query when there are no results — mezz / githubweb

#99 (Jan 20, 2016, 9:39:06 PM)

  1. Updated fi_FI.lang — kasperi.kauppi / githubweb

#98 (Jan 20, 2016, 6:53:40 AM)

  1. Unfocus the search bar when enter is pressed — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #126 Configurable Keybind for previous recipe pages — mezz / githubweb
  3. Close #81 add clickable gui areas to jump to a machine's recipes — mezz / githubweb

#97 (Jan 20, 2016, 6:42:01 AM)

  1. Unfocus the search bar when enter is pressed — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #126 Configurable Keybind for previous recipe pages — mezz / githubweb
  3. Close #81 add clickable gui areas to jump to a machine's recipes — mezz / githubweb

#96 (Jan 20, 2016, 3:25:49 AM)

  1. Fix #99 Item transfer handler misreporting missing items — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix gray text on recipes changing to black when a tooltip is on screen — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix furnace recipe transfer handler putting items in wrong slots — mezz / githubweb
  4. Close #65 Shift-click the [+] to move many sets of items — mezz / githubweb

#95 (Jan 20, 2016, 3:09:10 AM)

  1. Fix #130 Crash from lambda obfuscation issue in ItemModels — mezz / githubweb

#94 (Jan 19, 2016, 6:44:48 AM)

  1. Add curseforge integration for jenkins — mezz / githubweb

#92 (Jan 16, 2016, 11:00:10 PM)

  1. Fix #109 stop log spam and crashes from modded item models crashing — mezz / githubweb

#91 (Jan 16, 2016, 10:19:51 PM)

  1. Add API support for adding clickable buttons in recipe wrappers — mezz / githubweb

#90 (Jan 16, 2016, 2:35:08 AM)

  1. Fix nullability of IStackHelper.toItemStackList — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix size of highlight on hovered ingredients — mezz / githubweb

#89 (Jan 16, 2016, 2:25:08 AM)

  1. Better null checking for IStackHelper in the API — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix API documentation for init on recipe ingredients — mezz / githubweb

#88 (Jan 15, 2016, 8:27:14 PM)

  1. Fix a crash on small screens with large GUIs — mezz / githubweb

#87 (Jan 15, 2016, 4:02:51 AM)

  1. Add IStackHelper to API — mezz / githubweb

#86 (Jan 15, 2016, 2:45:06 AM)

  1. Prevent localized caches from becoming out of date — mezz / githubweb

#84 (Jan 14, 2016, 9:25:11 PM)

  1. Fix #107 Items with wrong damage value in item list — mezz / githubweb

#83 (Jan 14, 2016, 8:17:18 AM)

  1. Fix #115 Crash when holding shift and viewing recipe — mezz / githubweb

#82 (Jan 14, 2016, 8:07:09 AM)

  1. Fix F2 is blocked when search field is focused — mezz / githubweb

#81 (Jan 14, 2016, 6:18:45 AM)

  1. Use shift to stop item rotation. — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #69 Fix recipe lookup of items with meta or damage and no subItems — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix OpenGL issue with rendering item list next to modded GUIs — mezz / githubweb
  4. Reduce log size from getUniqueIdentifierForStack exceptions — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix creating itemstacks in the item list with wildcard metadata — mezz / githubweb

#80 (Jan 14, 2016, 12:39:55 AM)

  1. Close #112 Remember if item list overlay has been disabled, add config — mezz / githubweb

#79 (Jan 14, 2016, 12:10:09 AM)

  1. Improve item cheating config description — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #86 Drawing Order Issues with Tooltips (requires latest forge) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Update de_DE.lang — mezz / githubweb

#78 (Jan 12, 2016, 6:13:54 PM)

  1. Clean up suppressed unchecked warnings from 1.8 — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #106 Many Sub-Items not showing in Item List — mezz / githubweb

#77 (Jan 12, 2016, 12:43:00 AM)

  1. Preserve stack size when expanding item subtypes — mezz / githubweb

#76 (Jan 11, 2016, 10:21:35 PM)

  1. Add more API warnings for NbtIgnoreList — mezz / githubweb
  2. Avoid reloading when game stops — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #101 Damage bars are missing from items in the item list — mezz / githubweb

#75 (Jan 11, 2016, 8:40:10 PM)

  1. Cleanup and reduce log spam — mezz / githubweb

#74 (Jan 11, 2016, 6:14:21 AM)

  1. Add a way to ignore specific NBT on specific items — mezz / githubweb

#73 (Jan 11, 2016, 12:30:08 AM)

  1. Fix #95 Item hover overlay is being rendered behind the items. — mezz / githubweb

#72 (Jan 11, 2016, 12:10:08 AM)

  1. Fix #83 Recipe & Use appearing when using vanilla's Creative Search Menu — mezz / githubweb

#71 (Jan 9, 2016, 3:00:10 PM)

  1. Fix #98 crash when looking up recipe for empty fluid containers — mezz / githubweb

#70 (Jan 9, 2016, 1:42:50 AM)

  1. Fix rendering recipes that have textures with alpha — mezz / githubweb

#69 (Jan 8, 2016, 2:34:39 PM)

  1. Fix broken version number — mezz / githubweb

#68 (Jan 6, 2016, 11:55:10 PM)

  1. Add tooltip callback for item and fluid recipe ingredients — mezz / githubweb

#67 (Jan 5, 2016, 7:38:19 PM)

  1. Update Finnish translation — kasperi.kauppi / githubweb
  2. Update ru_RU.lang — verybigbro / githubweb
  3. Update German translation — wilhelm / githubweb
  4. Change Millibucket notation — wilhelm / githubweb
  5. Fix missing import — mezz / githubweb
  6. Fix #85 Item list does not adapt to Potion effects when gui is open — mezz / githubweb

#66 (Jan 5, 2016, 2:11:55 AM)

  1. Fix missing import — mezz / githubweb

#65 (Jan 5, 2016, 2:10:07 AM)

  1. Add better diagnostic message for broken recipes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb
  3. Cleanup, remove deprecated API methods, match 1.8 and 1.8.9 versions #s — mezz / githubweb
  4. Close #84 Add recipe tooltip method — mezz / githubweb
  5. Add method to reload JEI in the API — mezz / githubweb

#64 (Jan 4, 2016, 12:28:01 AM)

  1. Fix JEI not starting in some cases — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add better diagnostic message for broken recipes — mezz / githubweb
  3. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#63 (Jan 3, 2016, 11:19:34 PM)

  1. Fix item tooltips rendering under tanks — mezz / githubweb

#62 (Jan 3, 2016, 12:49:54 AM)

  1. Add checks to help debug item errors — mezz / githubweb

#61 (Jan 2, 2016, 11:20:08 PM)

  1. Fix a crash when opening GUI — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix cheat item command on server with very large NBT — mezz / githubweb
  3. Bump version — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fix cheat item command on server with very large NBT — mezz / githubweb

#60 (Jan 2, 2016, 12:01:09 AM)

  1. Allow wildcard hiding of different-nbt items in edit mode — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix item list items overlapping search bar — mezz / githubweb

#59 (Jan 1, 2016, 11:54:21 PM)

  1. Allow wildcard hiding of different-nbt items in edit mode — mezz / githubweb

#58 (Dec 31, 2015, 8:45:08 PM)

  1. Close #79 Detect fluid from fluid block stacks — mezz / githubweb
  2. Improve debugging and error messages — mezz / githubweb

#57 (Dec 31, 2015, 7:29:26 PM)

  1. #79 Fix up openGL blending — mezz / githubweb

#55 (Dec 31, 2015, 6:00:01 PM)

  1. #79 4 Ensure tiny amounts of fluid in tanks are still visible — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add better debugging for tanks — mezz / githubweb
  3. #79 2, 3, 5, fix tank overlays having the wrong color — mezz / githubweb
  4. #79 1 allow displaying fluids without capacity in the tooltip — mezz / githubweb

#54 (Dec 31, 2015, 8:47:27 AM)

  1. Fix non-square hovering highlights — mezz / githubweb
  2. Render tank overlays even if there is no fluid — mezz / githubweb

#53 (Dec 31, 2015, 8:15:08 AM)

  1. Prevent crash when rendering fluids with no sprite — mezz / githubweb

#52 (Dec 30, 2015, 5:10:10 AM)

  1. Update for Minecraft 1.8.9 — mezz / githubweb
  2. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#51 (Dec 27, 2015, 2:40:08 AM)

  1. Do not reload JEI when disconnecting from world/server — mezz / githubweb

#50 (Dec 27, 2015, 1:30:08 AM)

  1. Add conveneince function for adding description to a single ItemStack — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #74 Disable Item List if the open GUI is too large — mezz / githubweb

#49 (Dec 22, 2015, 7:38:14 AM)

  1. Update German translation — wilhelm / githubweb
  2. Update README — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #53 Recipe Gui Title goes black when Thaumcraft Arcane Bore is shown — mezz / githubweb
  4. Allow multiple searches by using | character — mezz / githubweb
  5. Close #61 Config option: Search for mod name without @ in front. — mezz / githubweb
  6. Improve search performance on crazy-huge packs — mezz / githubweb
  7. Close #55 delete items from cheat mode (requires server) — mezz / githubweb
  8. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#48 (Dec 21, 2015, 4:12:15 AM)

  1. Handle /give for items with very long dataTags — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix rendering for some ISmartItemModels — mezz / githubweb

#47 (Dec 20, 2015, 8:52:12 PM)

  1. Fix rendering of ISmartItemModel items — mezz / githubweb

#46 (Dec 20, 2015, 8:19:38 PM)

  1. Cleanup — mezz / githubweb
  2. Find more sub-items — mezz / githubweb
  3. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#45 (Dec 20, 2015, 2:40:50 AM)

  1. fix build — mezz / githubweb

#44 (Dec 20, 2015, 2:35:40 AM)

  1. Cleanup — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix recipe transfer — mezz / githubweb
  3. Close #70 Allow custom container logic when "+" button is pressed — mezz / githubweb

#43 (Dec 19, 2015, 11:26:30 AM)

  1. Add some fluid tanks in debug mode — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix crafting recipes with itemstacks of 0 size — mezz / githubweb
  3. Clean up API to depend on using IModPlugin. Add errors for API misuse — mezz / githubweb
  4. Cleanup / refactoring — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix edit-mode rendering — mezz / githubweb
  6. Cleanup — mezz / githubweb

#42 (Dec 18, 2015, 8:09:14 AM)

  1. Fix command sender name — mezz / githubweb

#40 (Dec 18, 2015, 8:00:08 AM)

  1. Extend German translation — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #57 Add fluid rendering and fluid searching — mezz / githubweb
  3. Cleanup — mezz / githubweb
  4. Remove unused tooltipModName translation keys — mezz / githubweb
  5. Close #62 Add "description pages" for items — mezz / githubweb
  6. Bump version for first Release — mezz / githubweb
  7. Update Forge — mezz / githubweb
  8. Add some fluid tanks in debug mode — mezz / githubweb

#39 (Dec 15, 2015, 9:10:34 AM)

  1. Experiment with faster item list rendering — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #64 keep search history (use up and down keys) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #66 NPE on world reload — mezz / githubweb
  4. bump version — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix rendering for 1.8.8 — mezz / githubweb

#37 (Dec 13, 2015, 10:17:31 AM)

  1. Keep item filter text after changing config — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close recipe GUI when config changes — mezz / githubweb
  3. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#36 (Dec 13, 2015, 8:29:16 AM)

  1. Make compatible with Java 7 — mezz / githubweb
  2. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#35 (Dec 13, 2015, 8:13:05 AM)

  1. Reload stuff when the config changes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add enchanted books — mezz / githubweb
  3. Make "hide missing item models" a config option instead of always on — mezz / githubweb
  4. Fix JEI blocking backspace in creative tab — mezz / githubweb

#34 (Dec 12, 2015, 1:51:34 AM)

  1. Fix fuel recipe transfer helper — mezz / githubweb
  2. Close #59 Add recipe animations — mezz / githubweb
  3. Improve FPS in the item list — mezz / githubweb

#33 (Dec 11, 2015, 9:10:07 AM)

  1. Make code more similar between 1.8 and 1.8.8 versions — mezz / githubweb

#32 (Dec 11, 2015, 8:12:15 AM)

  1. Remove mod name tooltip. — mezz / githubweb
  2. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#31 (Dec 11, 2015, 6:40:07 AM)

  1. Allow JEI to run client-only, without recipe transfer — mezz / githubweb

#30 (Dec 11, 2015, 5:54:41 AM)

  1. Fix NPE when changing config in-game — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix NPE when changing config in-game — mezz / githubweb

#28 (Dec 11, 2015, 2:32:06 AM)

  1. Less cramped item list, bigger buttons, center items vertically — mezz / githubweb
  2. Enable JEI in item list creative mode — mezz / githubweb
  3. Use arrows for Back and Next buttons in Item List — mezz / githubweb
  4. Highlight missing items when hovering over the recipe transfer button — mezz / githubweb
  5. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#27 (Dec 10, 2015, 8:54:14 AM)

  1. Remove misc forge MDK txt files — mezz / githubweb
  2. Update zh_CN.lang — urey.s.knowledge / githubweb
  3. Add config button to GUI, improve config, improve localization fallback — mezz / githubweb
  4. Add config category for JEI addon mods to use — mezz / githubweb
  5. bump version — mezz / githubweb
  6. Display config category for addons in the in-game gui — mezz / githubweb
  7. update readme — mezz / githubweb
  8. localize the new tooltips, limit tooltip line width — mezz / githubweb
  9. Only allow wildcard blacklising for items with subitems (no point to) — mezz / githubweb

#26 (Dec 10, 2015, 7:30:10 AM)

  1. Add config button to GUI, improve config, improve localization fallback — mezz / githubweb

#25 (Dec 9, 2015, 11:10:08 AM)

  1. Fix bottom row of items is hidden when item page is slightly past full — mezz / githubweb
  2. Center the item stack list in the available space next to the gui — mezz / githubweb
  3. Make "all recipes" click area smaller — mezz / githubweb
  4. Save recipe viewing history, go back with backspace — mezz / githubweb
  5. bump version — mezz / githubweb
  6. update forge — mezz / githubweb

#22 (Dec 8, 2015, 8:10:26 AM)

  1. Fix a bug in handling oreDict recipes — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add support for Version Checker ( 1.8 or 1.8.8 ) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Update readme to include using ATs from JEI with gradle — mezz / githubweb
  4. Combine IRecipeCategory.init and IRecipeCategory.setRecipe — mezz / githubweb
  5. Use error log instead of FMLLog.bigWarning (stack trace is already huge) — mezz / githubweb
  6. Add recipe width and height to drawInfo for easier text alignment — mezz / githubweb
  7. Ignore empty recipe categories — mezz / githubweb
  8. Set focused item from a rotation based on request type (input/output) — mezz / githubweb
  9. Bump version — mezz / githubweb

#19 (Dec 7, 2015, 11:37:20 AM)

  1. Fix #50 Remove permissions check and rely on /give behavior — mezz / githubweb
  2. update license date — mezz / githubweb
  3. Experimental: allow adding new recipes while the game is running — mezz / githubweb
  4. Make server-side API useless instead of crashing — mezz / githubweb
  5. add "Loaded plugin" console message — mezz / githubweb
  6. Change "loaded plugin" to "registered plugin" — mezz / githubweb
  7. Allow the InitGuiEvent for the RecipesGui — mezz / githubweb
  8. Tidy up config — mezz / githubweb
  9. Allow removing items from the blacklist — mezz / githubweb
  10. Fire RecipesGuiInitEvent instead of firing a duplicate GuiInitEvent — mezz / githubweb
  11. Add getItemListForModId(String modId) to IItemRegistry — mezz / githubweb
  12. Fix #52 tooltip errors on bukkit/spigot — mezz / githubweb
  13. Add a way to ignore classes of unhandled recipes — mezz / githubweb
  14. Add NBT ignore-list to the API — mezz / githubweb
  15. Reset item filter cache when the item blacklist changes — mezz / githubweb
  16. Log exceptions correctly (with stack trace) — mezz / githubweb
  17. Fix NPE when resetting item filter cache — mezz / githubweb
  18. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#18 (Dec 5, 2015, 8:19:42 PM)

  1. formatting — mezz / githubweb
  2. bump version, remove patch version since it's basically added by jenkins — mezz / githubweb
  3. Use Major version zero for the JEI API version, according to semver — mezz / githubweb
  4. Add back patch version — mezz / githubweb
  5. Fix bug with recipe transfer for modded crafting tables — mezz / githubweb
  6. Open recipes for current gui first if it has a recipe transfer helper — mezz / githubweb
  7. Fix multiple mod names in tooltip after relogging — mezz / githubweb
  8. #49 Defend against NPE on Spigot/Bukkit servers — mezz / githubweb

#17 (Dec 4, 2015, 11:40:10 PM)

  1. remove warning about not handling VanillaBrewingRecipe — mezz / githubweb
  2. Spread out the potion layout more — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix mod version — mezz / githubweb
  4. Change mod registration to allow extending it in the future — mezz / githubweb

#16 (Dec 4, 2015, 1:25:08 AM)

  1. Use getCanonicalName instead of magic string — mezz / githubweb
  2. Fix #48 Clicks are not blocked from underlying GUI — mezz / githubweb

#15 (Dec 4, 2015, 12:35:08 AM)

  1. Fix config defaults becoming too big when using blacklist — mezz / githubweb
  2. Only close item overlay when the GUI is actually closed This fixes — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix #46 Require Control to be pressed to toggle item list overlay — mezz / githubweb
  4. Ctrl-F focuses search bar — mezz / githubweb
  5. Move fuel "burn time" string down, to vertically center it more — mezz / githubweb
  6. Update ru_RU.lang — verybigbro / githubweb
  7. Add potion support — mezz / githubweb
  8. Use an annotation to load plugins at FMLModIdMappingEvent (thanks cpw) — mezz / githubweb
  9. Fix crash in 1.8 when cheating items — mezz / githubweb
  10. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#14 (Dec 3, 2015, 4:35:06 AM)

  1. Only close item overlay when the GUI is actually closed This fixes — tterrag1098 / githubweb

#12 (Dec 3, 2015, 1:04:11 AM)

  1. Close #2 Easily hide items/blocks from JEI (Edit Mode, API, and config) — mezz / githubweb
  2. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#11 (Dec 2, 2015, 10:15:11 PM)

  1. Improve the look of fuel recipes, add padding ability to backgrounds — mezz / githubweb
  2. Split furnace recipes into fuel and smelting — mezz / githubweb
  3. Close #44 click recipe category title to view all recipes — mezz / githubweb
  4. improve config name  for "Add Mod Name to Tooltip" option — mezz / githubweb

#10 (Dec 2, 2015, 7:10:10 PM)

  1. Add a good default location for the recipe transfer button — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add checks to recipe transfer to make sure slots can be altered — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix missing items in item list — mezz / githubweb
  4. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#9 (Dec 2, 2015, 9:07:07 AM)

  1. Add a configurable NBT key blacklist — mezz / githubweb
  2. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#8 (Dec 2, 2015, 8:57:55 AM)

  1. Add a configurable NBT key blacklist — mezz / githubweb

#7 (Dec 2, 2015, 7:20:09 AM)

  1. Make mod name tooltip italic — mezz / githubweb
  2. modularize widgets, rename things with "ingredient" as a concept — mezz / githubweb
  3. improve doc — mezz / githubweb
  4. tidy ItemStackElement — mezz / githubweb
  5. Update to latest Forge — mezz / githubweb
  6. Fix #4 Fix #43 Add support for recipe transfer-to-crafting-area feature — mezz / githubweb
  7. Fix client crash — mezz / githubweb
  8. bump version — mezz / githubweb

#6 (Nov 27, 2015, 10:50:06 PM)

  1. fix method name — mezz / githubweb
  2. Remove duplicate categories in recipe list — mezz / githubweb
  3. Fix usage and recipes hotkeys on recipes gui — mezz / githubweb
  4. add more support structure for liquid handling — mezz / githubweb
  5. bump version — mezz / githubweb
  6. Fix startup issue when there are no selected recipe categories — mezz / githubweb
  7. Add more fluid handling infrastructure — mezz / githubweb
  8. Fix #41 Crash when an item in an itemStack is null — mezz / githubweb
  9. reformat gradle — mezz / githubweb
  10. update — mezz / githubweb

#5 (Nov 25, 2015, 7:40:11 AM)

  1. add maven upload support, source & javadocs jars for developers no deobf — mezz / githubweb
  2. Add mod names to item tooltips (with config option to disable) — mezz / githubweb
  3. Cut down on debug log spam — mezz / githubweb
  4. Unfocus the search box when you click away anywhere — mezz / githubweb
  5. Stop JEI from loading multiple times when reloading a world — mezz / githubweb
  6. bump version — mezz / githubweb
  7. Fix recipe lookup issue with wildcard metadata — mezz / githubweb
  8. Do a better job of getting an item's mod name — mezz / githubweb
  9. Fix scrolling direction — mezz / githubweb
  10. Minor cleanup — mezz / githubweb

#2 (Nov 25, 2015, 4:51:10 AM)

  1. Stop JEI from loading multiple times when reloading a world — mezz / githubweb